It was an alright documentary. Not as good as I was hoping. Still a bit eye opener though. I never knew much about that country, but wow some things really had me shocked. Basically for people who don't know anything about NK, it's a closed society with nobody allowed to really enter or leave the country. People leaving the country and are seen are ordered to be shot right away. You can not leave certain towns without papers allowing you to. Basically they don't allow any media or anything into/out of that country. In fact just having a cell phone or videotaping things is punishable by jail or death. These people have no idea about the outside world, and are told that they live better lives than others outside of that country. They are completely oblivious to everything going on in the world. They are one of the poorest countries in the world. Basically because they have no import/export business. They do not grow wheat or vegetables or anything like that. They basically make all there $ by making weapons and bombs and selling them. Makes me feel good about living in Canada where you take so many things for granted. |